--------------------------- As the truck bumped and rattled its way through the pouring rain and howling wind, Cloud Strife, Private Second Class, slouched further down in his seat and tried his best to ignore the roiling nausea in his gut. Trying to take his mind off his misery, he eavedropped shamelessly to Major Faelan's conversation with Sephiroth and wished that *he* could be so confident -- so at ease -- in the presence of the famous war hero. (If only I could be a SOLDIER like Zack.... What would I do? What would I say to Sephiroth? Okay, so I probably wouldn't be as buddy-buddy with Sephiroth as the major... at least not right off the bat. But I'd definitely let him know that I'm a real go-getter, just itching for action... wouldn't it be a blast to have the chance to really *use* some materia? Yeah, I can just picture it.... ) He'd seen materia plenty of times before -- in demonstrations, or glittering on the weapons of SOLDIERs and other elite fighters. He knew what the glowing chunks of crystal could do, but regular grunts like him never got the chance to use the stuff. Too rare, too difficult for ordinary troopers to use, the higher-ups always said. But as a SOLDIER, he'd be guaranteed to have access to the best of everything, and that included plenty of materia. And he wasn't talking about the little chips that people put in jewelry, claiming that them bought good luck and that sort of crap. Nope, he meant the *real* stuff. He could just imagine himself standing bravely, ready to fry any opponent that was stupid enough to challenge him. (.... Cloud Strife, SOLDIER First Class....) The words had such a sweet ring to them. (Oh yeah... no one would laugh at me if I was a SOLDIER... especially not some penny-ante slum whore! But she isn't laughing now, is she? Nobody makes fun of me and gets away with it... nobody!) Even as his stomach continued to slosh queasily from the rough ride, he couldn't help but grin a bit as he had remembered how he had made her pay for getting him arrested. It had taken days to work up his courage. He had nearly chickened out so many times, but the shame and humiliation she had put him through festered in his brain and clawed at his guts. He couldn't eat or sleep. The scene kept replaying over and over again in his head... all the jeers and laughter as he was dragged out of the whorehouse in handcuffs... being hauled into the dirty, rundown police station like a common criminal... the self-righteous little bitch standing there, gloating as she filled out a complaint against him. Where did she get off filing charges for assault and rape? She was a WHORE. Getting fucked was what she got paid for. Okay, maybe he was sorta rough with her, but it was her fault anyway for making him mad. (That's right. It's her all fault. She shouldn't have pissed me off.) Just remembering the risks he had taken in getting his revenge on the little bitch still gave him sick chills, but in the end, it had been worth it. Venting some of the frustration and anger boiling inside him had felt so good. For once, he wasn't the one who was scared or hurting. (Yeah, I'm not going to take that kinda shit any more.) What he wouldn't give for a chance to get back at all the assholes who had rejected him for the SOLDIER program... and all the guys who made fun of him for failing. "Hey, how are you doing?" He jerked a bit in surprise when Zack addressed him unexpectedly, then shrugged and waved his hand, trying his best to act nonchalant. The last thing he wanted to do was to give people more reasons to poke fun at him. (The smug bastards. Sheesh, why couldn't I be more like Zack? I bet the guy's never been motion sick in his life!) Trying his best to look unaffected by the rough road trip, he sat up and turned to Sephiroth. "Sir, what exactly are we supposed to be doing on this mission?" The general gave him a hard, critical stare that made him squirm. "Weren't you paying attention at the briefing, Private Strife?" He could hear some of the other troopers sniggering behind him and blushed furiously. (Damn it, damn it, damn it!) So much for trying to act cool. With nothing more than a casual glance in their direction and a lift of a dark eyebrow, Zack put a stop to the troopers' barely smothered laughter. Again, he felt a sharp pang of envy, mingled as always with a dull sense of resentment. (Damn it! Just look at him. He doesn't have to say a bloody word to make them toe the line! Why doesn't anyone respect me like that?) Sephiroth snorted. "Since Strife apparently didn't hear me the first time around, I'll repeat myself. Our mission is to investigate an old Mako reactor. There have been reports of it malfunctioning, and producing dangerous monsters. First, we will dispose of those creatures, Then, we'll locate the source of the problem and neutralize it. Think you can remember that, Strife?" "Y-yes, Sir. But... savage monsters? Where?" "The Mako Reactor at Nibelheim." He blinked. "Nibelheim.... That's where I'm from." Sephiroth nodded coolly. "Hmm... hometown...." The silver-haired General gave him a narrow-eyed stare. "That's the only reason you were chosen for this mission." "Yeah, Strife. Lucky for you we're visiting your old hometown. Otherwise, you'd probably still be on latrine detail back at base!" Private Hakshaw said with a loud braying laugh. Another trooper added in a stage-whisper to the guy beside him, "Oooh, ole Clod-head better be sure to say howdy to his mum or he might get spanked!" Turning even redder, he was *that* close to lunging across the truck in order to pound those smirks off their faces. The only thing stopping him was the infuriating knowledge that one more screwup would be certain to get him thrown out of Shinra, and starting a brawl right under Sephiroth's nose would most definitely be a major league screwup, no matter how much the other bastards deserved it. He ground his teeth at the unfairness of the situation. Everyone knew he was already on probation. They could insult and poke fun at him all they wanted, and he had to sit there and take it. / I'll get you for that, you fuckin' bastards. Just you wait.... / "Can it, you jokers," Zack drawled mildly. He was interrupted by a loud bang, as something slammed into the truck and brought the vehicle to a jarring halt. --------------------------- As yet another loud thump violently rocked the truck, the driver shouted, "Sir! There's a huge THING out there!" Despite the jostling, Sephiroth smoothly rose to his feet, picked up Masemune, and prepared to face the unknown creature. "Well, it seems that at least one of our monsters has arrived. You men stay in here. Come on, Zack." Stepping outside into the cold drizzle, Zack took a deep breath. A dragon stood less than twenty yards from the truck, its huge wings thrashing. A better look at the monster made him frown. He had encountered dragons before, but this looked like a bloody abnormal one. The creature was covered with great patches of sloughing scales and oozing sores, while only tattered shreds of membrane remained of its wings. The beast's behavior was just as troubling as its physical appearance. As it hissed and snarled at them, the serpentine head kept jerking spastically in various directions. "I'll take it," Sephiroth murmured. He nodded in acknowledgement and stepped aside, giving his commander plenty of room. As Sephiroth moved forward to deal with the dragon, he turned his attention to the surrounding rocky cliffs. Dragons were usually solitary creatures, but there were always exceptions. But even as he continued to scan the area for other monsters, he also kept an eye on his commanding officer. Just in case. However, Sephiroth had no problems taking out the dragon and did so with his usual skill and efficiency. Ignoring the fiery breath that roared out of the beast's jaws, he slipped through the flames and slashed off one flailing wing, then the other. The enraged dragon lashed out with raking foreclaws, and paid dearly for missing as Masamune severed the limb. Easiliy evading the thrashing head, Sephiroth ended the battle with his fourth blow, which split the dragon nearly in two. But even as he started to grin, a sudden movement near the truck caught his attention. With a faint sigh, he saw that Cloud had disobeyed orders by exiting the truck, apparently to get a better look at the famous general in action. The young man had an stunned, awestruck expression on his face as he watched Sephiroth reduce the huge monster into a quivering corpse in a few quick swipes of his famous blade. Zack shrugged to himself, then grabbed Cloud by the arm and hustled the trooper back into the truck. If the teenager was lucky, Seph might choose to ignore that little bit of insubordination. --------------------------- Cloud sat in the very back of the truck and ignored the chatter of the other troopers. He had much more important things on his mind. (Unbelievable! The way he moved... and the speed.... Shit, he sliced that thing in half from head to tail without even breathing hard. How can anyone be so damn powerful!?) (.... I would give *anything* to be that strong. People wouldn't dare to make fun of me anymore. And then maybe Tifa would....) --------------------------- An hour or so after the dragon attack, the team finally reached Nibelheim. The rain had stopped, leaving behind a damp chillness in the air. Disembarking, Zack glanced at the towering peaks just behind the small town. Somewhere in those mountains lay the Mt. Nibel reactor, the most likely source of the monsters plaguing the area. The task seemed straightforward enough, but Zack had a bad feeling about the whole mission. That uneasiness was the real reason he had been so determined to accompany Sephiroth to Nibelheim, regardless of Dr. Savois' approval or not. Over the years, he had learned to trust his instincts and his instincts were telling him that something nasty was about to happen in Nibelheim. He had no idea what that nastiness was -- trap, plot, who knows? -- but there was no way he was going to let Sephiroth go into Nibelheim alone. Strife was the last man off the truck and started trudging after the others. Zack was about to remind the bareheaded teenager that he was out of uniform but the reprimand turned out to be unnecessary. The trooper had only taken a few steps toward the town gate when he suddenly froze in his tracks with a strangely stricken look on his face. The teenager abruptly turned and scurried back into the truck, reemerging a few seconds later with his helmet and goggles covering his head and upper face. Zack wondered what had triggered Cloud's odd reaction, but all he saw was a pretty teenage girl with long dark hair sitting near the iron archway. She glanced up as they approached and stared intently at them, as if searching for someone familiar. He took a quick look back at Cloud who stood at the very back of the squad, trying his best to be inconspicious. (Ah ha. Something about that girl, Cloud? I'm guessing that you don't want her to recognize you for some reason. Who is she? An old girlfriend you left behind?) Sephiroth suddenly turned and addressed Cloud. "How does it feel?" the general asked as he glanced around at the handful of quaintly rustic buildings that made up Nibelheim. Zack watched with mild amazement as Sephiroth and Cloud talked about hometowns and parents. It wasn't at all like Seph to be so chatty, especially about his personal history *and* with a person he obviously did not approve of. Zack could count on one hand the number of times his friend had mentioned his mother's name to him. Sephiroth suddenly uttered a sharp burst of laughter, then said, "What does it matter? All right, let's go." The town was eerily quiet, its streets deserted and doors securely closed. Everywhere, there were signs of monster activity. Deep claw marks marred many of the doors and shutters, while cracks in several walls hinted at something large trying to smash its way through. "We leave for the reactor at dawn. Make sure you get to sleep early," Sephiroth stated, then strode into the inn. Zack moved to follow his commander inside, but paused in the inn's doorway and turned around. He told the assembled troopers, "All that we need is one lookout, so you guys have a few hours to relax and unwind." He gestured for Strife to come forward. Addressing the trooper privately, he murmured, "You can use this time to visit your family and friends, but that's up to you." Underneath his helmet, Strife flushed and mumbled, "....Thanks, sir." --------------------------- Climbing the stairs of the inn, Zack found Sephiroth standing in front of the bay window. They stood, shoulder to shoulder, silently watching as Strife trudged across Nibelheim's tiny town square. The trooper came to a halt in front of a small, tidily kept house, then peered around with an almost furtive air before knocking. The door opened and the teenager hastily scooted inside. (Definitely looks like he's afraid of being recognized by somebody. But by who? That pretty, brown-haired girl?) But Strife's problems were immediately became secondary when Sephiroth abruptly spoke. "So tell me something, Zack. Why did you discharge yourself against medical advice to accompany me on this mission? Did you have a sudden urge to play watchdog over me?" Zack opted to say nothing in response to those soft, acid-edged words and simply waited. A moment of silence passed, then Sephiroth said quietly, "Sorry, that was out of line." With a careless shrug he replied, "No problem. If it makes you feel better to yell at me, go right ahead. It's better than keeping it all bottled up inside. Has Hojo been a bigger pain in the ass than usual?" "No. Not Hojo. He's always careful to stay out of my way whenever possible." Sephiroth stared down at his hands and said softly, "I'm getting stronger, Zack." There was a brief pause. "The fight with the dragon." "Exactly. That creature may have been suffering from some form of Mako poisoning, but that fight was still too easy. And that's not the first time it's happened." "I've noticed." "Yes, of course. Well, apparently others have noticed, too." "Ah." "There are so many people spying me, I sometimes wonder why they don't trip over each other," Sephiroth muttered. Zack chuckled darkly, "Sometimes they do." "One would think that I'd be used to the constant surveillance by now, but I still find it... irritating." By now, Zack had become an expert at reading his friend's true feelings. He understood what Sephiroth really meant -- that he *hated* being watched -- but also understood the other man's reluctance to admit it. The expression of such strong emotion represented a loss of self-control. And to Sephiroth, control was everything. "I don't think Hojo knows, but some of the other scientists do. I've heard them whispering in the hallways. They're like a flock of vultures, gleefully speculating about me and my future. Or the possible lack thereof." For a brief instant, Zack's lips curled slightly, almost in a faint snarl. "Bastards," he said in a deceptively mild tone. "I'm surprised at their nerve." Sephiroth leaned against the windowsill. "Nerve? Hardly. Most of them are spineless cowards. No, their boldness comes from ignorance, not courage. They're constantly forgetting that my abilities encompass so much more than mere physical strength. For example, my hearing is particularly acute." With a nasty snicker, Zack said, "And I'm sure you take such pains to keep reminding them, too." They exchanged conspiratorial grins. Zack added, "But that explains why you've been in such a nasty mood recently." Sephiroth gave him a somewhat chagrined look. "Oh, it's not obvious to the casual observer, but you have been more critical, and your tongue's developed a sharper edge." "You should have said something to me. I hadn't realized how difficult I've been to deal with...." He shook his head and chuckled quietly. "Don't be so hard on yourself. I can handle a little temper." In more serious tones, he added, "Listen, Seph. You don't have to be perfect for me, you know. If you keep putting yourself under so much pressure, something's liable to snap...." In a whirl of silvery hair, Sephiroth turned away from the window to face him. With a bitter edge to his voice, Sephiroth said, "Oh, don't you think I know that?" He bared his teeth slightly. "How can I NOT know it when those bloody scientists keep whispering about that very topic?" "So that's it," he said evenly, cursing mentally to himself. "Oh yes. They even have a betting pool on if or when I'm going to go stark raving mad. And I have to admit that they have a fairly good basis for that assumption. Both of us have read the SOLDIER manual. You know what it says as well as I do, Zack. Why do you think SOLDIERs are under standing orders to report any sudden increases in strength and other abilities to the medical staff?" Zack sighed and reluctantly replied, "Because drastic increases in physical and magical strength are a common warning sign and indicator of mental instability in SOLDIERs." "Exactly." He thought a moment, then said quietly, "I'd just like to point out a few things, Seph. First, while you have been getting more powerful, it hasn't been a sudden, radical increase like we've seen in other cases. Second, have you considered that what applies to normal SOLDIERs doesn't necessarily apply to you? After all, you didn't exactly go through the regular SOLDIER process. And third, 'common' is NOT the same as 'absolutely certain' or 100 percent." "Believe me, I remind myself of that last fact every day," Sephiroth said drily. Zack was glad to see that the mere act of expressing his anger and frustration aloud seemed to make his friend feel better. They both subsided into silence again. Finally, Sephiroth said, "But you came along on this mission to keep an eye on me, didn't you?" He chuckled ruefully. "So much for trying to be subtle about it, huh?" Sephiroth shrugged slightly. "It's the way you've been acting. You just seemed... unusually watchful." Zack glanced upward through the window and stared at the dark rocky peaks that seemed to press down on the tiny town. "Don't ask me why, but I've got a weird feeling about this mission. Something in the back of my head told me that I needed to be here." He grinned and said, "And so here I am." "Savois won't be pleased," Sephiroth noted with a sly smile. "That's her problem, not mine." --------------------------- Closing the front door behind him, his mother gave him an absentminded peck on the cheek, then drifted back to the kitchen. Cloud followed his mother deeper into the small, tidy house where he had spent his childhood years. But it wasn't his home. Nothing in Nibelheim had ever been his *home*. "What are you doing back here?" she murmured absently as she resumed stirring the pot simmering on the stove. "Gee, Mom, what a welcome." As usual, his sarcasm slipped right past her. And as usual, he wondered whether his mother's denseness was the act of a selfish, lazy woman, or whether she was simply just plain stupid. "I'm been in Midgar for the last two years." "That's nice, dear." "I joined the Shinra military. As a... soldier." She paused a moment in mid-stir, then said, "So, have you met President Shinra?" ".... I've seen him." From across a parade ground.... "And did he say anything to you?" "No. Why should he?" Was it his imagination, or did his mother actually look... disappointed? He took a step toward her. "Why should the President of Shinra have anything to say to me?" She avoided his question by turning away and rummaging in a nearby drawer. "Mother!" "Hm?" she murmured vaguely as she continued to search through the drawer's contents. He gave up trying to get an answer from her. She was quite capable of completely ignoring both him and his questions if they caused her the slightest inconvenience. God knows she'd done it many times before. (Nothing's changed, has it, Mother?) Cloud thought bitterly. He walked past her and headed out the back door. Emerging into the familiar cobblestone alleyway, he saw that it was littered with the same old jumble of battered flowerpots and trashcans. Just like his mother, nothing had changed in the two years since his departure. He headed down the alley, but came to a halt two doors down in front of the Lockhearts' back porch. The door stood slightly ajar. He hesitated for a moment before succumbing to tempation and slipping inside Tifa's house. The building was deserted. He wandered through her home, aimlessly poking around. He had reached Tifa's bedroom when he heard Mr. Lockheart's sharp, unmistakable voice outside the front door. A key rattled in the lock. Panicking at the thought of being caught by Tifa, or even worse, by her father, he bolted out of Tifa's bedroom and escaped through the back door just as the front door swung open. He spent the next half hour walking around town, but it turned out to be a thoroughly depressing waste of time. The inhabitants of Nibelheim were just as snobbish, surly, and downright unfriendly as they were when he left two years ago. Nobody paid any attention to him, a mere Shinra grunt. All they were interested in was the great Sephiroth. --------------------------- Zack headed downstairs to ask the innkeeper to have some food sent up. After placing his order, he heard someone behind him say, ".....Hmmmm. Is Shinra here to get rid of the monsters?" He turned to see a hefty, grey-bearded man giving him a speculative look. "That's right. And who are you?" he replied with a friendly smile. "I'm Zangan. I travel around the world teaching children martial arts." He abruptly leapt over Zack, landed lightly, and turned around. "I have 128 students all over the world! In this town, a girl named Tifa is my student." "Tifa? That's a pretty name." Zack wondered why the name sounded slightly familiar. Where had he heard it before? Zangan uttered a hearty laugh. "She's a pretty girl, but more importantly, she's got good sense. She'll be a powerful fighter." "I like a girl who can take care of herself," he said, giving the older man an rakish grin. "Oh, she can do that and more. She's got potential, but she's also got lots of maturing to do." Zangan looked him over again. "You're a SOLDIER, huh?" "That's right." "I've heard things about you guys. How about a quick sparring match? I'd like to see some Shinra techniques. And if you see something you can use, maybe you'd like to pick up some of my techniques." "Sounds like an interesting offer, but I don't think I'll be able to take you up on it right now. I've got a mission to complete first. Why don't you check back with me afterwards? By the way, the name's Zack." They shook hands, then Zangan said, "Sounds good to me. Good luck, Zack." --------------------------- Cloud trudged up the inn's main staircase just in time to hear Zack speaking to Sephiroth. "What are you looking at?" the major asked the general, who was staring out the large bay window. As he entered the bedroom, he heard Sephiroth murmuring something about the scenery. The conversation between two men continued as he sat heavily on the bed, yanked off his boots, then flopped down onto the soft mattress. But before he fell asleep, the other troopers clattered into the room. "Hey, we're short one bed," he heard someone complain. He opened his eyes quickly and found the other men glaring at him. He glared back at them. He knew what they were planning, but he wasn't going to exchange a comfy bed for the cold, hard floor without putting up a fight. The wrestling match had just started when they heard someone utter a discrete cough from the doorway. They all froze, then turned to see Zack leaning against the wall. He raised an inquiring eyebrow. Everyone, Cloud included, gulped and fidgeted nervously. Finally, Private Hakshaw spoke up. "But sir, we're short one bed...." "And you had to start a full blown brawl to solve that problem?" the SOLDIER said mildly. "Err...." "It's first come, first serve. And since Strife got the bed first...." The other troopers hastily let go of Cloud and edged away, looking like a pack of guilty schoolboys. "I don't care how you decide who gets their own bed and who ends up having to share. Flip coins, draw straws, or whatever, but decide now. Otherwise, I can always put another guy on watch." As he prepared to leave the room, Zack added drily, "Oh, and for your information, the general sleeps *very* lightly. Try to keep that in mind, hm?" The troopers saluted sharply. "Yes, sir!" After the door closed behind Zack, Cloud gave the others a nasty little smirk before settling back against the fluffy pillows. He knew that they wouldn't dare to oust him from the bed, especially not after what Zack's offhand remark about Sephiroth. As he drifted off to sleep, he fantasized about being respected like Zack... or even better, being *feared* like the great Sephiroth. --------------------------- The morning air was biting cold. After a bland, but hearty breakfast, the entire troop gathered outside the derelict Shinra Mansion. The building had once been the luxurious quarters for company executives, but it had been abandoned for unknown reasons. Over a decade of neglect had not been kind to the Mansion. Sephiroth said, "Once the guide gets here, we're heading out. Strife and Hakshaw will come with us. The rest of you will remain on watch in town." A few minutes later, the pretty brown-haired teenage girl from yesterday ran up to them. "Hope I'm not late!" she said breathlessly. Her outfit -- a leather vest worn over a short-sleeved shirt, dark brown shorts, fancy-looking boots, and a broadbrimmed cowboy hat -- hardly seemed like an appropriate outfit for a mountain expedition. Zack gave his commander a quizzical glance. Sephiroth shrugged indifferently, before turning to deal with the girl's overprotective father. "I'll be all right, Dad!" she protested loudly. "After all, I'll have two SOLDIERs around to protect me." Turning to Sephiroth, she smiled and said brightly, "Hi, I'm Tifa. Nice to meet you!" As Sephiroth acknowledged her enthusiastic greeting with a distant nod, Zack knew in an instant that this girl was going to be a handful. Pretty, headstrong, and a budding flirt, Tifa undoubtably had every boy in town tripping over themselves to please her. Stepping forward, he casually asked her, "So you're the guide?" She glanced up at him, and said defiantly, "That's right. I just happen to be the number one guide in this town." From the corner of his eye, he saw Strife shifting anxiously from foot to foot. The teenager looked as if he desperately wanted to say something, but apparently couldn't find to courage to speak up in Sephiroth's presence. "Let's go." But as they all headed for the town exit, a photographer rushed up and begged for a picture. When Sephiroth failed to immediately agree, the man turned to the girl and said, "Tifa, can you ask him for me too...?" "Mr. Sephiroth, just one little picture? Please?" she coaxed prettily. (Oh yeah. She's definitely going to be trouble when she grows up.) Hiding his irritation with the whole affair, Sephiroth reluctantly nodded. Tifa ran over to Zack, grabbed his hand, and dragged him over to the wall surrounding the Shinra Mansion. "And we can't forget the other SOLDIER on this team. Right, Jake?" she said, glancing toward the photographer. "You got it, Tifa!" She stood beside him and looked expectantly at Sephiroth, who slowly joined them against the wall. As she grinned at the photographer, Zack gave his friend a wry little grin. Sephiroth gave him a discrete, but decidedly nasty look in return. Jake raised his camera and cheerfully yelled, "Cheeeeese!" --------------------------- Cloud was grateful that his helmet and goggles hid his expression as Tifa flirted outrageously first with Sephiroth and then with Zack. She didn't recognize him. He had stood within arm's reach and she hadn't recognized him. Other people in the town had known him almost instantly. So why hadn't Tifa? He already knew the answer. She hadn't given him a single look because a mere trooper wasn't worthy of her attention. Tifa only had eyes for the big-shot SOLDIERs. As he watched her, he felt the last fragments of his old childhood dream disintergrate. Deep in his heart, he had always hoped that Tifa would be different... that she would care about him, regardless of whether he had become a SOLDIER or not. But now he knew the truth. Tifa Lockhart was just like every other woman he had known... just like his mother, just like those bitches back in Midgar -- greedy, cruel, and selfish. If he wasn't a SOLDIER, he was a total nobody. --------------------------- They followed Tifa as she led the way up and down the narrow mountain path. Zack noted with relief that the girl lived up to her own advertising. She definitely knew her way around the mountains. Tifa set a fast pace that soon left everyone except herself and the two SOLDIERs puffing and wheezing for air. Pausing before a long, rickety-looking rope bridge, she said sharply, "It gets harder from here, so be careful. Follow me!" Like the other bridges they had crossed, this bridge creaked alarmingly as they crossed. However, as they neared the opposite side, the creaking abruptly changed to a high-pitched twang. The bridge quivered, then they all heard the sounds of snapping rope. "Oh hell...!" he yelled. He grabbed for a plank just as the bridge started to unravel, then suddenly broke in two. Zack got only a fleeting glimpse of Sephiroth and the other men tumbling through the air. As Tifa slid past him, Zack grabbed her by the wrist. They hung there for an instant, then it was their turn to fall toward the jagged rocks far below as the plank he clung to pulled free from its moorings. --------------------------- Cloud gingerly sat up and held his aching head. He was amazed to be alive. (Shit, for a moment I thought I was a real goner....) Heaving a vast sigh of relief, he finally took a look at his surroundings. He had landed on one of the rocky ledges that lined the edge of the deep crevasse. With a shudder, he realized that if he had fallen only a few more feet in either direction, he would have been nothing more than a reddish smear on the rocks several hundred feet below. Hearing a faint groan, he cautiously crawled on hands and knees over to the edge and peered downward. About twenty feet below him, on another rocky outcrop lay Private Hakshaw. The other man was in bad shape. From the way the blood spurted from the large wound on his leg, it looked like Hakshaw had probably severed a major artery or something. As he stared downward at his now helpless tormentor, someone called his name sharply. "Strife!" He whipped his head around to see the general about forty feet above him. "Y-yes, sir?" "Are you injured?" "No... no, sir." "Did you see what happened to the others?" With a start, he realized that from his vantage point, Sephiroth couldn't see Hakshaw at all. He opened his mouth to tell the general about the wounded man, but suddenly memories of every humiliating thing the other trooper had said and done to him flooded through his brain. (You gotta payback whenever and however you can....) He clamped his lips shut and said nothing. "Well, Strife?" Sephiroth demanded impatiently, as he scanned the surrounding rocks. "Not sure, sir. But the last time I saw Hakshaw, he was...," Cloud replied, gesturing vaguely toward the rocks far below. "Try contacting him with your radio." He fumbled around, but finally managed to push the call button. "Hakshaw, you there?" he stammered awkwardly. Even in the cold mountain air, sweat began to trickle down his back as he nervously waited for Hakshaw to answer, moan, or otherwise attract Sephiroth's attention. If that happened, Cloud was sure that the general would somehow *know* that he had been lying all along. He didn't even want to begin to think about how sort of punishment he would get for this shit-assed manuvoere. (Why the hell did I think I could get away with it!? Forget being discharged! They're going to lock me away and throw away the fuckin' key!) The sight of the strangely intent expression on Sephiroth's face, as if the other man was straining to hear a distant voice, only made the wait more agonizing. His tension and fear continued to mount as the minutes ticked by. (0h god, why is he just standing there? What the fuck is Sephiroth waiting for!? Does he know what I've done!?) he thought hysterically. Just as he was about to snap and blurt out the guilty truth, Sephiroth abruptly turned away from the gorge and said, "Come on, Strife. Zack's waiting for us up above." "Y-yes, sir." He scrambled hastily up the steep rock face and tried his best to forget the mortally injured man he was leaving behind. (The bastard deserves it... right?) --------------------------- Fortunately for Zack and Tifa, their fall had been relatively short, landing on an outcrop less than thirty feet below the gorge's rim. As he got to his feet, Zack quickly checked himself out before turning to Tifa. "Ohhh...." She sat up slowly, then grimaced. "How are you feeling, Tifa?" "I'm... I think I'm okay." With his help, she got to her feet. "Just some scrapes and bruises, I think. How about you?" "I'm fine. Just got the wind knocked out of me." She bit her lip and blurted, "Zack... you saved my life!" "Hm?" He said absently, concentrating on trying to locate a familiar presence. "If you hadn't grabbed me when you did, I would have fallen right into the gorge." With a careless shrug, he said, "It's no big deal. All in a day's work." Noticing that she was still shivering a bit, he added, "So you're one of Zangan's prize student, hm?" "He... he told you that?" she stammered, her eyes big with amazement. "Well, not exactly in those words," he drawled, glad that his attempt to distract her from her recent brush with death was working. "But he said that you had good sense and that you'd become a powerful fighter. And for someone like him, I think that translates into you being one of his favorite students." She giggled. "Zangan always tells me that I'm much too slow and that I move with the grace of a pregnant cow!" "Of course he does. I think it's a standard tactic for all martial arts instructors. It keeps their students from getting overinflated egos." "You know martial arts?" she asked in a startled voice. "Why so surprised?" he said with an amused grin. "I don't know. I guess it's because of that big sword you carry. I just thought of you as a swordsman, not a martial artist." He gave her a wink. "A guy needs to be prepared for every eventuality. Sometimes you don't always have a handy sword around." "So, what style do you use?" Tifa said excitedly. "It's not a formal style as you know it. But...." "Charming the ladies as usual, Zack?" Sephiroth said drily as he emerged from behind a large boulder, followed closely by Strife. "Just passing the time until you caught up with us, Sir." "Everyone seems to be all right." Turning to Tifa, the general asked, "Can we still reach our intended destination?" "I think so. These caves are intertwined, just like an ant farm...." She frowned suddenly, then added, "But someone's still missing from our party." "It may sound cold, Miss Lockhart, but we don't have the time or the manpower to search for him. We got no response over the radio. He's probably already dead. The reactor is our main concern. We have a mission to complete." Sephiroth's voice was cold, devoid of any emotion. Tifa opened her mouth to protest, then bit her lip. "I... I suppose you're right. Alright, follow me." --------------------------- Strangely, Sephiroth's and Zack's easy acceptance of Hakshaw's likely death didn't really bother Cloud. He knew that for them, the mission was more important than a trooper's life -- in fact, he admired them for their ruthlessness. In their line of work, things like that happened. Casualities were only to be expected. But Tifa's agreement somehow infuriated him. *SHE* didn't have the right to treat people as expendable cannon fodder. If HE had been the one dead or missing, would she have said, "Oh well," and shrugged it off? Of couse she would have. And why? Because he was a nobody to her. But even his foul mood evaporated when he followed the others into the glittering caverns below Mt. Nibel. When they paused to admire a beautiful fountain of sparkling green, he forgot all about Tifa's presence and blurted out, ".... And what's this?" Sephiroth replied, "A Mako fountain. Quite the miracle of nature," with just a touch of sarcasm. Moving closer to the fountain, Tifa frowned and said, "It's so beautiful... but if the Mako Reactor continues to suck up the energy, won't this fountain will dry up too?" She pointed at the large green crystals covering the fountain. "And what's that?" "Materia. When you condense Mako energy, materia is produced." Zack added, "It's very rare to see materia forming naturally like that." Fascinated by the softly glowing crystals, Cloud forgot about Tifa's presence and edged closer to the fountain. He asked eagerly, "Um... So how does materia give people the ability to do magic?" Sephiroth gave him a scornful look and said coldly, "You've been in Shinra for two years and you don't know that?" He blushed furiously, unable to admit that he hadn't been paying attention during the more boring training lectures. --------------------------- As Sephiroth gave Strife a short, biting lecture on basic materia theory, Zack stifled the urge to sneeze as the smell of Mako tickled his nose. He was surprised at how much of the glowing substance there was at Mt. Nibel. Mako seemed to ooze from the surrounding rocks, leaving behind a sparkling green crust on every surface of the caves. When the trooper mumbled in an awestruck voice, "Magic...... a mysterious power," Sephiroth uttered a sharp, contemptuous laugh as Tifa tried unsuccessfully to smother a fit of giggles. Strife, his mood of wonderment shattered, looked around sullenly and muttered, "Did I say somethin' funny?" With a faintly malicious smile, Sephiroth said, "You're lucky that Hojo isn't around to hear you say that. He gets easily infuriated by what he considers as sloppy thinking. Then again, he's a walking mass of complexes. An insecure man desperate to outshine a much greater scientist," the general added with a dismissive shrug. "Hojo?" "The esteemed head of Scientific Research for Shinra," Sephiroth replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Zack glanced at Strife and added, "Be glad that you haven't had the chance to make his acquaintance." --------------------------- It took the group nearly an hour to reach the Mako Reactor near the top of Mt. Nibel. The hike would have taken much longer and much more difficult if the two SOLDIERs hadn't been along to efficiently dispatch the various wandering creatures who tried to attack them. As Cloud trudged along toward the rear, his sense of resentment toward Tifa continued to grow. Every time Sephiroth and Zack fought off another batch of monsters, her eyes would practically glow with sappy admiration. When they reached the stairs leading up to the reactor's entrance, Tifa wiped the sweat from her face and said, "We finally made it. We sure took the long way, though. And all those monsters roaming about...." Turning to Sephiroth and Zack, she said enthusiastically, "You guys are simply amazing! I'm so glad that I had a chance to see you in action! I've heard stories about SOLDIERs before, but I never realized just how good you were!" (Just listen to her gushing all over them!) Cloud thought furiously. Sephiroth gave Tifa a dismissive shrug as he watched Zack do a quick recon around the area. The dark-haired major soon rejoined them. "Just as we thought, sir." The general nodded, then the two SOLDIERs began climbing the stairs to the reactor's entrance. But when he noticed Tifa following him, Zack turned and said, "Tifa, you wait here." She frowned angrily and snapped, "I'm going inside too! I wanna see!" Sephiroth glanced over his shoulder at her and said coldly, "Only authorized people are allowed in. This place is full of Shinra's industrial secrets." "But... but...!" Tifa sputtered furiously. Zack shook his head firmly. "Sorry, but you can't come inside." He turned to Cloud and said, "Take care of the lady." "Aw, man!" she complained loudly and stomped her foot. As the two men disappeared inside the reactor, Cloud stepped forward and blocked the stairway. He was glad to see Tifa's frustration. (Aren't you the spoiled little princess? Daddy's precious little girl. Bet you're used to getting anything you want with just a bat of those lashes and a cutsie smile. But that didn't work this time, did it? So how does it feel, huh?) Tifa glared at him, then pointedly turned her back on him. In a sulky voice, she snapped, "Then you better take real good care of me then!" --------------------------- The interior of the reactor reeked of Mako. But unlike the caves, the air within the reactor had a disturbing, sour overtone, as if something had gone slightly rotten. Glancing over at his commander, Zack caught a odd, almost pinched look on the other man's face. If the smell bothered him, Sephiroth probably found it overpowering. When he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, Sephiroth jerked around in surprise. He frowned. Seph was rarely this jumpy. "Are you all right? ".... I'm fine." In response to Zack's politely disbelieving look, Sephiroth sighed, then reluctantly admitted, "All right, this place is giving me a distinct headache. Don't worry about it. The sooner we take care of the problem, the sooner we can get some fresh air." As they continued their descent into the reactor, the air grew heavier, more oppressive. They began to notice unmistakable signs of damage, such as badly dented walls and gouged floors. Two levels down, they came across a large narrow chamber lined with numerous car-sized tanks and an intricate web of interconnecting pipes. "Zack, have you seen anything like this before?" "Nope. This sure doesn't look like standard reactor equipment to me." "If someone's been making unauthorized modifications to this facility, that might explain why there's so many monsters around the area." Halfway down the long room, they found the first sign of obvious mechanical failure. Several of the tanks leaked or ruptured, releasing their contents. The floor was caked with sticky crud. Further down the room, they found even more ruptured tanks and broken piping. "I wonder what the hell was inside these things?" he muttered. "I don't know. Possibly chemicals that seeped into the environment and created some of those monsters plaguing this area. But this isn't the only source of them." He pointed to a very distinctive series of claw marks at the far end of the chamber. "It looks like some of these creatures are coming from even deeper inside this reactor." They moved quickly but cautiously, shutting down equipment as they went along. On the lowest level of the reactor, they found what they had been looking for. This last room was flooded with a dim red light that gave everything inside it a bloody sheen. The floor rose in a steep series of tiers, with each tier containing a row of strange, egg-shaped metal pods. But unlike the tanks on the upper levels, the pods had small viewing ports. A stairway allowed access to the tiers and at the top of the stair stood a massive security door. Above the door, written in large letters was a single word -- 'Jenova'. Zack watched as Sephiroth froze as he saw the word, then shake his head almost angrily. Just like as in the tank room, several of the pods showed signs of damage, but the type of damage was very different. As Sephiroth examined a lower row of pods, Zack gingerly poked at the jagged sheet metal edging one of the broken pods and muttered quietly to himself, "Didn't leak. Didn't explode. It was smashed open, from the inside." Suddenly he shivered, despite the humid heat of the chamber. It felt like some terrible, cold presence had just brushed his soul. "Zack, get down here," Sephiroth said harshly. He instantly bounded down the stairs and ran to his friend's side, hand on his sword hilt. "What is it?" he said, his eyes scanning the eerily lit chamber for any possible threat. Sephiroth stared at one of the pods in obvious revulsion. He hissed softly, "...now I see, Hojo. But even going this far will never put you on the same level as Professor Gast." "Hojo...?" "He's the one responsible for all the unexplained equipment. I didn't understand before, but now I know what it's for. This is a system that's designed to condense and freeze the Mako energy, but it's been modified." "Modified to do what?" "What does Mako energy become when it's refined to its most concentrated state?" "It becomes a Materia," he replied, frowning slightly. "That's what normally happens. But Hojo put something else in these pods. Take a look through the window," Sephiroth said, from between clenched teeth. Zack gave his friend a worried look, then quickly hoisted himself up to look through the viewing port of one of the pods. Inside, amid a glowing green haze, some...THING floated. It was hideous and unnatural, not because it was unrecognizable, but rather because Zack could still see the faint traces of what the monstrosity had once been. A human being. Dropping back to the catwalk, he recoiled a step and growled, "What the hell is THAT?" Clenching his fists by his sides, Sephiroth whispered, "Normal members of SOLDIER are humans that have been exposed with Mako. You're different from the others, but still human. Not so with these... things. They've been subjected to a much higher degree of Mako exposure, far more than you." "Shit!" "And Hojo's the one responsible for producing these monsters. This whole reactor, these... specimens.... are just another filthy Hojo experiment. Of course most of the monsters in this area can't be identified. They're all travesties of normal living organisms, produced by massive exposure to concentrated Mako energy. Just like...." Sephiroth suddenly clutched his head, trembling. Now throughly alarmed, Zack flung out his hand and said, "Seph?" "N... no...." Sephiroth's shaking abruptly stopped. He stared almost vacantly at the metal pods filling the room. "...Was I?" he whispered. His face twisted in fury and without warning, he whipped out Masamune and swung, leaving a deep gash in the thick metal of the pod. "...Was I created this way too?" He swung his sword again. Metal screamed against metal, and sparks flew. "Am I the same as all these monsters!?" "....Seph...." He could only watch in blank amazement as Sephiroth started to lash out wildly at the row of metal pods. Shaking off his surprise, Zack took a deep breath, then lunged forward just as Sephiroth finished another swing. He clutched his friend's shoulder with one hand while he grabbed hold of Sephiroth's sword arm with the other. "Seph! Listen to me! Get a hold of yourself!" He gave the other man a hard shake. Trying to restrain Sephiroth's arm was like trying to wrestle the Midgar Zolom with one hand. Considering how much stronger the other man was, Zack knew he didn't have much of a chance of forcibly stopping his friend, but that wasn't important. All he knew was that he had to do *something* to snap Sephiroth out of this sick, berserk rage. For a moment, the other man stared right through him, as if Zack wasn't there, then his body lost that terrible tension.. He stood there, his shoulders heaving. "You saw it. All of them were normal humans... once." He shuddered and Zack tightened his grip on his friend's shoulder. "....I've always known since I was small... that I was different from the others. Special, in some way. But... not like this...." He stared at the floor, shaking his head as if still trying to deny the idea. For once, Zack was at a total loss. Obviously something traumatic had happened to Seph, but he didn't have the faintest idea what had triggered the completely uncharacteristic outburst. He reviewed his memory of the last few minutes, searching for the smallest clue that could explain the other's suddenly erratic behavior. There HAD to be a reason -- he just had to find it. As he struggled to make sense of his friend's disjointed ravings, he glanced up at the security door and wondered if the shock of finding his mother's name linked to Hojo's crazy experiment could have something to do with it. But before Zack could explore the idea further, there was a low roar. The floor began to shudder as one of the upper tier pods began to shake violently. Metal ripped and pipes gave away as the pod gave a last convulsive rock, before splitting in half in a huge hissing roar of steam. The front half of the pod fell foward, and a hideous monster emerged from the roiling clouds of vapor amid a welter of twisted, flailing limbs. Without warning, the creatured tossed its horned, half-scaled head in the air and screamed in their direction. With a great leap, it lunged at them, with long strings of yellowish green drool dangling from its gaping jaws and scimitar-like claws flashing in the blood red light.... A bad mistake on its part. --------------------------- Cloud would have felt more kindly toward Tifa if she had made the slightest attempt to be nice to him. After all, it wasn't his fault that the two of them were stuck outside the reactor with nothing to do. He wasn't asking for much. All he wanted was a little conversation. How hard was it to say, "Hello, how are you?" But all Tifa did wander around, kicking rocks, and acting generally peeved with the world. Nearly thirty minutes of cold, sullen silence went by. Finally he got up the courage to say, "Um... sorry about...." She sniffed angrily, then unexpectedly shot him a quick little smile. It gave him a weird, fluttery feeling inside. With her back turned toward him, Tifa asked sweetly, "Are you *sure* you can't let me inside?" "Umm...." "Please? Pretty please?" "But... but Sephiroth said... direct orders...." She bit her lip and glanced over her shoulder at him. "Honestly, what harm could it do? All I want is just a little peek! He won't even know I've been in there." "B-but...." He scratched his helmet indecisively. "Aw, c'mon! I won't tell a soul. I promise!" she said, whirling around and leaning forward in her eagerness. For a brief instant, when she smiled at him, he had thought.... But his heart sank like a stone when he finally realized that the only reason that Tifa was acting so nice to him only because she was trying to sweet-talk him into letting her inside. Torn between the urge to give in to Tifa's wheedling and the desire to scream furiously at her, Cloud did nothing except stare mutely at her. But before he could come to any decision, Sephiroth suddenly appeared at the reactor entrance as if by magic. Cloud was forced to hastily jump off the steps in order to avoid getting run down as the general stormed down the stairs with a stark, frozen expression on his face. Sephiroth brushed by them without a word, then stalked off toward the caves, leaving Tifa and Cloud staring blankly at each other with mouths agape. "What the hell...?" he sputtered in bewilderment. Zack appeared at the top of the stairs almost as suddenly as Sephiroth had. Tifa opened her mouth to blurt out a question, but the words seemed to stick in her throat when she got a good look at him. Cloud could easily understand why -- he had never seen the major appear so intensely *dangerous* before. It was perfectly obvious that Major Faelen was in no mood to deal with anyone's questions. With a sharp hand gesture and a deadly serious stare, he made it clear they were to follow him and Sephiroth, then Zack set off after the general with long, ground-covering strides. He and Tifa hastily scrambled after him. They both knew that they had to keep up with the two SOLDIERs or they would be left behind on the mountain... and there were still plenty of monsters wandering the area. Amazingly enough, Sephiroth seemed to know exactly where he was going, even without Tifa's guidance, and he wasn't waiting for anyone to catch up. Even Zack was having problems maintaining the pace. As for Cloud and Tifa, the journey back to Nibelheim became a mad, reckless dash that made the journey up to the reactor feel like a lazy stroll. However, by some miracle, they made it back into Nibelheim only several minutes behind Sephiroth and Zack. However, by the time they staggered into town, both SOLDIERs were nowhere in sight. "Wha... what was... that... all about?" Tifa gasped, clutching at the stitch in her side. He was too exhausted to even wonder. All he wanted was to collapse on the ground and get some rest. Unfortunately for Cloud, he had no time to recover. As the other troopers converged on him, angrily demanding answers, Tifa turned her back on him and headed to her house, abandoning him to the unenviable task of trying to explain why Hakshaw didn't return with them... and why the other trooper never would. --------------------------- Zack swore as he finished searching the deserted inn. Where the hell was Sephiroth? Just at that moment, he glanced out the window. As soon as his eyes fixed on the looming hulk of the Shinra Mansion, his instincts shouted, 'THERE!'. In that instant, he knew where he would find Sephiroth. As he stalked out of the inn and headed up the hill toward the Mansion, their driver ran up to him, frantically waving a piece of paper. "Sir, sir! Message over the radio. From headquarters! Very urgent!" Gritting his teeth at the delay, Zack snatched the note and quickly scanned it, then in an almost terrifyingly even tone of voice, he uttered a string of scathing obscenities that made the driver turn pale. "S-sir?" Fighting down the urge to rip the message to shreds, he turned to the driver and said, "Does anyone else know what's in this?" "N-no, sir." "Good. Make sure that it stays that way. Not a word to anyone until I get back." "If... if you says so, Major." "I want you monitoring that radio. If you get any updates on his arrival, notify me ASAP. Got it?" The driver saluted sharply. "Yes, SIR!" --------------------------- Once inside the Mansion, Sephiroth's trail was plainly visible on the thick dust-covered floor. After tracking his friend to an upstairs bedroom, he quickly found the secret door and headed down a long, spiraling staircase that. Zack soon found himself in the Mansion's basement. It was dank and cold, more of a natural cave than any type of manmade construction. At the far end of the main tunnel, he saw the faint glimmer of light and the soft murmur of a voice that he knew almost better than his own. Upon opening the door, he found himself staring at what appeared to be a library. Every inch of the dusty, floor to ceiling shelves, the scattered large tables, and even parts of the floor were covered with books, folders, and documents of all sorts. And in the middle of the room was Sephiroth, pacing back and forth with a notebook in his hand. Zack paused in the doorway. A frown crossed his face as he listened to the other man mutter almost continuously to himself. He had never seen his friend, for whom control and precision were practically a religion, acting so... incoherent. "....an organism, apparently dead, was found in a 2000 year old geological stratum. Professor Gast named that organism, Jenova..." As his friend continued to read various passages, one name kept coming up repeatedly -- Jenova. "My mother's name is Jenova... Jenova Project... Is this just a coincedence?" Paper crinkled as Sephiroth clenched his fist. "Professor Gast... Why didn't you tell me anything? Why did you die?" Seemingly oblivious to his presence, Sephiroth tossed the crumpled paper aside, and headed down a narrow, book-lined hallway. He followed his friend through the passageway into a back room, also crammed with papers. As the other man tossed the book onto the battered desk and began to rummage for another one, Zack finally spoke up. "Seph?" Getting no response, he tried again louder. "Seph!" When that didn't work, Zack resorted to his firmest command voice. "SEPH." His friend jerked his head up and gave him a dazed stare. A disturbing amount of time passed before incomprehension shifted to recognition. "Oh... it's you, Zack," he said, distractedly raking a hand through his long silvery hair. "Not to intrude, but do you mind telling me what the hell's going on?" "Going on...?" Zack reached out and lightly placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. In a quiet voice, he said, "Yeah. Back at the reactor." The physical contact seemed to break through Sephiroth's mental fog. For the first time since entering the underground library, Zack felt confident that the other man was truly aware of *him*. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me...." Sephiroth shook his head suddenly, then suddenly sagged into the desk chair. "No, that not true. I do know." Zack moved closer, propped his hip against the heavily carved desk, and said, "It has something to do with Hojo, that experiment in the reactor and... your mother. Doesn't it?" "Yes." Sephiroth looked up at him. "You know, it's one thing to suspect something for years, but it's very different to have proof practically shoved down one's throat." "Proof of what?" "Of... what I am." He gazed around him at the disorganized stacks of books. "It's all here. Somewhere, in these papers. I just have to put the pieces together." Glancing up at Zack, he continued, "You remember what I said last night about this place being oddly familiar?" "Yes." "I was born here. I spent the first five or six years of my life in this place." Zack cocked his head slightly. "But I thought...." "That I grew up in Midgar? That's what I believed, too. I had forgotten this place. Either on my own, or with...," he bared his teeth ever so slightly in a feral smile, "or with 'help'. But when I was in the reactor... I finally remembered. The smell... the cold green light... those pods... I *remembered*...." Zack waited for a moment, then prompted Sephiroth with a quiet, "Remembered what?" "I'm... not sure. Bits... fragments of my past... my origins." His pale green eyes seemed to have an almost feverish glitter. "The reason I was created... the reason I was *made*. I've always know that I was special, different, but I didn't know why... or how. And now, for the first time in my life, I have the opportunity to answer both questions." Zack let out a slow, thoughtful breath. "Created? By... Hojo?" Sephiroth uttered a sharp, contemptuous laugh. "Oh no, not that blundering fool. If Hojo had been the one in charge, I probably wouldn't even exist! No, it was Professor Gast who masterminded the entire Jenova project. Hojo took over only after Gast dis... appeared...." His voice abruptly trailed off. "That was rather convenient for Hojo, wasn't it?" Zack commented drily, his eyes narrowing. Sephiroth breathed, "Yes, indeed. What a fool I am, never to put the two events together. Gast was the only thing standing in Hojo's way. By eliminating his rival, Hojo gained everything -- Gast's position as Scientific Director, control of all the Jenova-related research... and perhaps most importantly of all, he obtained custody of ME." Zack hissed softly. Sephiroth smiled darkly. "Oh yes, despite his dedication to science, Gast was a... decent man. Kind in his own absentminded way. There were things that he would not permit Hojo to do, especially to a small child. But with Gast gone, there was no one to stop Hojo from doing anything he pleased." "Seph...." "Don't worry. I survived Hojo." Zack silently gritted his teeth and thought, (Yeah, but he scarred you badly, on the inside, where it doesn't show. But I know those scars are still there. And I'm afraid that they're never going to fully heal....) But he kept his thoughts to himself. Aloud, Zack said, "Can I do anything to help?" Sephiroth smiled faintly, "No, but thanks for asking. What I really need is time... time to sort through all this," he waved a hand at all the books and papers surrounding them. "Time to find the *truth* buried here." Zack said nothing, but the other man must have read something in his expression. "What is it?" He took a deep breath and said, "Hojo is coming out to Nibelheim." "WHAT?" Sephiroth rasped as he lunged up from the chair. He silently handed over the rumpled message and allowed his friend to read it for himself. "'Mission suspended... direct orders... under no circumstances... do not approach... reactor off-limits... wait for arrival... change of personnel... scientific team...!?'" Sephiroth crumpled the note and asked in a harsh voice, "When is he due to arrive?" "I don't know, but from the tone of that message, I'd say he could show up at any time. But realistically, if he left Midgar right after sending the message and traveled here directly by chopper... about 12 hours." He gave Sephiroth a wicked grin. "It sure sounds like Hojo's got his labcoat in a twist." Sephiroth gave Zack an equally nasty smile. "No wonder. He's panicking. He's terrified of what I might do if I find out the truth." "And what's that?" he asked curiously. Shaking his head, Sephiroth said, "I don't know. But Hojo's afraid of it, you can be certain of that." Zack stared around at the heaps of papers and books littering the library. It could easily take days, or weeks to go through all of them. "Maybe if I help you go through all this...," he said, waving his hand at the shelves. "NO." They stared at each other, equally taken aback by Sephiroth's vehemence. "O-kay," Zack said evenly. Sephiroth rubbed at his forehead and sank back down into the chair. "I didn't mean it that way, Zack. I very much appreciate the offer, but I *need* you upside to keep matters under control and deal with Hojo when he arrives." He gave Sephiroth a long, thoughtful look that seemed to make the other man distinctly uneasy. Finally he shrugged and said, "All right. If time's what you need, I'll do my best to see that you get it." Zack stood up, then added quietly, "But I just want you to know something, Seph." Looking unusually subdued, Sephiroth glanced up at him questioningly. "You don't have to be afraid. My feelings won't change regardless of what you find out." Sephiroth did something he rarely did -- he reached out, put his hand on Zack's wrist, and held it tightly for a brief moment. As they gazed at each other, neither man spoke. Like so many times before, no words were necessary between them.... ....then they each turned to deal with their respective tasks -- Sephiroth to uncover the truth about his origins, and Zack to stand guard and to give his friend the best possible opportunity to do so. --------------------------- Cloud had his back against the wall, both figuratively and literally, as two of Hakshaw's buddies continued to barrage him with suspicious stares and angry questions. The remaining troopers either did nothing or enthusiastically egged the two men on. Suddenly, a cold voice slashed through the chatter. "ATTEN-TION." Everyone instinctively jerked themselves upright and froze in place, as if awaiting inspection. They all watched nervously as Major Faelan walked into their field of vision. It seemed impossible, but everyone's posture stiffened even more when they got a look at his face. "Gentlemen. If you're *quite* through playing around?" "Yes, sir!" the troopers chorused. "Samms and Fenton, you two are on watch. Don't get sloppy. The rest of you are dismissed. Grab some dinner. I'll be in to give you a briefing shortly." As the remaining troopers started to shuffle toward the inn's dining room, Zack said briskly, "Not you, Strife." "S-sir?" "I want to talk to you about what happened today." "With... me?" he squeaked nervously. "Yes, you," said the major, making a sharp, beckoning gesture. He glared at the other guards lingering in the lobby, avidly eavesdropping on their conversation, and snapped, "I said, DISMISSED." As the loitering troopers hastily exited the room, Cloud's thoughts ran around in panicked circles. (Now I'm in for it! He knows what I did! Oh my god, I'm in such deep shit....) The SOLDIER made an impatient jerk of his head and started up the stairway. He reluctantly made himself follow. Once upstairs, Zack turned and pinned him with a cool stare. "Private Strife." He stiffened into parade attention as sweat trickled down his back. "Sir!" Zack's lips twitched upward. "At ease, private." Cocking his head slightly, he added, "You can take your helmet off." "I-I...." "Go on. Don't worry, Cloud. Tifa isn't around to see you." Fumbling with the chin strap, he pulled the helmet off his head, then ran his fingers through his sharply cropped blond hair. Having suffered so much teasing during his childhood over his wild, untamable hair, he had been acutely grateful that Shinra required crewcuts for all recruits and enlisted men. At least with a crewcut, the other troopers had one less thing to poke fun at. His face burning with embarassment, he mumbled, "How did you guess... sir?" Seating himself in the bay window, Zack said, "It was pretty obvious from the way you ducked behind the other men, kept your mouth shut, and otherwise did your best to avoid notice." Fumbling with his helmet, he hissed, "Oh shit...," under his breath, then hastily added, "Beg your pardon, sir!" Zack casually waved off the apology. "No problem. As long as it doesn't impact your performance, it's none of my business why you want to keep your identity hidden from Ms. Lockheart." "....Thank you, sir." In a brisk voice, Zack continued, "But to get back to business, I have some questions...." "I didn't do anything!" he blurted. The SOLDIER raised a dark eyebrow and said mildly, "I didn't accuse of you anything, Cloud. All I wanted to ask was whether you noticed anything unusual while you were waiting outside the reactor today." "Uh... nope. I mean, 'No, sir!'" "Nothing out of the ordinary? No strange noises, vibrations, those sorts of things?" "Um, no. Just the wind." "And what was Tifa doing? Did the two of you talk?" "Uh... not at first. She was pretty mad about not being allowed to go inside, you know." Zack snorted in amusement. "I can imagine. The only daughter of the mayor, the prettiest girl in town... I bet she's used to getting her own way around here." "....yeah." Now as Cloud thought about it, he realized that Tifa really was one spoiled little bitch. She always did whatever she wanted. And if any of her adventures caused trouble, it was never HER fault. Oh no, not sweet, innocent, little Tifa. She always got off free as a bird and was happy to let someone else take the blame. He felt sick when he realized just how many times he and everyone else in town let her get away with it, too. Someone should have taught her a lesson a long time ago.... "That's right. You grew up with her." Zack gave him a speculative look. "So did she try to talk you into letting her inside the reactor?" He nodded morosely. "Did she succeed?" "No, sir! I had my orders, Major!" His cheeks burned as he remembered how Tifa had flirted outrageously with him in her attempt to get a look inside. (If the General hadn't shown up just then, what else would she have done? Tried bribery? Offered me a kiss? Hell, she probably would have let me take a quick grope at her breasts or down her shorts. She's nothing but a little slut, just like all those girls in Midgar!) "And she never left your sight." "Never, sir!" "All right, Cloud. That'll be all." "....Sir?" he said blankly. Zack nodded. "That's all I wanted to know." "Oh. Okay." He bit his lip, then asked, "Major, if you don't mind me asking...?" "Go ahead." He licked his lips nervously, then took the plunge. "Sir... what happened at the reactor?" Cloud paled at his own audacity, and hastily added, "What I meant was that the General looked really pissed off... I mean, he looked really mad when he...." To his vast relief, Zack didn't seem offended by his nosiness. "You might say that. Sephiroth discovered something that seriously annoyed him." The SOLDIER lifted his hand. "And that's all you need to know... or should want to know, for that matter. If you get my drift." "Yes, sir. I understand." Cloud glanced through the inn's windows at the rapidly darkening skies. "And now it's my turn." Zack gave him a narrow-eyed look. "Cloud, I've noticed a certain amount of friction between you and the other men. Basically, they seem to hate your guts." He flushed in mingled rage and embarassment, and stared at the roughly hewn floor planks. "Is there a problem I should know about?" the major inquired quietly. He opened his mouth to complain about the endless harrassment... the constant bullying... but the memory of recent insults made the words clog in his throat. (I'm NOT a momma's boy. I don't need a babysitter! I'm not a spineless wimp! I don't need anyone else's help! I can handle this by myself! I CAN!) ".... No, sir." Zack silently looked at him for a long moment. Finally, he said, "Very well, you're dismissed, Private." --------------------------- Zack frowned as he watched Strife trudge back down the stairs. He knew the kid was hiding something. Normally, he would have pressed harder for answers, but he had more important things to worry about at the moment. Dealing with both Seph and Hojo would take all his attention. Cloud would have to fend for himself for a while longer. And as he sat in the bay window and formulated his plans, heavy raindrops began to fall. --------------------------- About thirty minutes later, the off-duty troopers came to attention as Zack walked into the inn's dining room. "At ease, men. Witney, round up everyone for a briefing." With all the Shinra guards present, Zack stood up and said, "Okay, this is how it goes. There was a serious equipment malfunction in the mako reactor on Mt. Nibel, which caused the release of all sorts of crap into the local environment. I suspect that's the probable cause for the unusual monsters infesting this area. The General and I have shut down most of the facility, but the reactor itself is still active. However, I don't know how the monsters are going to react to this shutdown. They might not give a damn, or they might seriously object, in which case, we can expect some unwanted visitors. There's no way to tell. That's why I want you guys on your toes from now on. Got it?" As the men murmured their agreement. "Um, if you don't mind me asking... where IS the General, major?" asked Witney, a stocky private with a heavy-boned face. "Because of the hazardous nature of some of these creatures, he's decided to deal with them personally. And while he's busy, we get the job of babysitting the town." "Sephiroth's off hunting those monsters solo?" Witney said, obviously impressed with the General's bravery. Zack simply shrugged, then turned to the squad leader, Corporal Pitcairn. "Set up a schedule for guard shifts." He waited patiently as the corporal had finished assigning watches. As the men prepared to exit the room, Zack rapped the table and said, "One more thing." He paused until he was sure he had their undivided attention. "Dr. Hojo, the head of Special Research is due to arrive at any time." Zack saw some of the more experienced troopers blanching at the mention of the scientist's name. He knew that those men would soon enlighten their less knowledgeable comrades. "I would strongly advise you to be on your best behavior and keep a very low profile while he's around. You do NOT want to attract Hojo's attention. That's all." The men on guard duty headed out into the rain, while the other troopers went upstairs to get some rest. But as soon as they were gone, he said, "Just a moment, corporal." "Sir?" Zack said drily, "There seems to be a slight discipline problem in your squad." The corporal winced visibly, then sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You're talking about Strife, of course." "In the last 24 hours, I've stopped or broken up three brawls, and all of them involved the other men ganging up on Private Strife. So what's the problem?" "No excuse, sir, but...." "Go ahead, corporal." "There weren't been any discipline problems until Strife got assigned to the unit, sir." "So you're saying it's all his fault?" Pitcairn frowned, then finally said, "Frankly, sir... yes!" "So what exactly is Strife's problem?" "To be blunt about it, he's got a shitty attitude and even worse judgment. It's hard to get along with a guy when you never know which way he's going to jump." "Go on." The corporal took a few seconds to gather his thoughts, then said slowly, "Sir, do you know much about chocobos?" "A fair bit." "Then you'll understand what I mean. Sometimes you get birds that's been really badly treated... abused, you know? Well, it's like there's something broken in their heads. They become sullen, unpredictable. People call 'em 'fear-biters'. "Ah." "Yeah, now you're getting the picture. Fear and anger are the only things that motivates them, and you can never tell how they'll react in any given situation. One time they'll be cowering in terror, and the next time, they'll be crazy vicious. Being nice to them doesn't do any good -- all they do is get aggressive and try to boss you around." "Using bravado to hide or deny the fear," Zack said thoughtfully. "I guess. Anyway, once chocobos get that way, they're pretty much useless. You can't ride them because they're too damn untrustworthy. You can't let them go free because they're a danger to everybody else. About the only thing you can do with them is put 'em out of their misery." He gave Pitcairn a long look and said, "So what you're telling me that Strife's the human equivalent of these fear-biters?" "Basically." The corporal hesitated, then continued earnestly, "Listen, sir, the kid's totally fucked up. He's got no business being in the military. When you're going into a fight, you've got to be able to rely on the guy standing next to you. You don't have to like him. You can even hate his guts, but you need to know that he'll do his job just like you. You know how it is, sir." "Yeah." "You asked me why the guys don't like Strife? They don't like him because they can't trust him. He's a coward. Forget just being scared -- only idiots aren't scared -- but Strife, he's fuckin' terrified ALL THE TIME, no matter how much he tries to hide it. So half the time he's stepping on your toes and in your face. The other half of the time, he's got the backbone of a jellyfish. The problem is that you never know what he'll do." "Wonderful. Just wonderful," Zack said with a sigh, raking a hand through his hair. "Tell me about it, sir. I protested long and hard when they assigned him to my squad. I just knew he was going to be trouble. Among the noncoms, he's got a hell of a reputation. But HQ insisted." "They wanted someone from Nibelheim on this mission." "I guess he was the only one available. I requested that his assignment only be made temporary, but that was the best I could do." Zack wasn't one to buy into every rumor he heard. Unfortunately, Pitcairn's statements only confirmed his own observations. "All right. But that doesn't help our current situation." "Sorry, sir." "Just do your best to keep everyone out of trouble, okay? It's bad enough that this kid's life is going down the toilet. I don't want the other men's careers getting screwed up because they got carried away and did something stupid. I'm not a stickler for regulations and I'm willing to overlook a lot of things, but not if one of my men gets seriously hurt. And for the duration of this mission, Cloud Strife is one of my men, just like the rest of your squad. You got me, Corporal Pitcairn?" "Yes sir. I'll make it perfectly clear to the men." "Good. We'll figure out what to do with Strife once we get back to Midgar." "Do you think you could... I mean, the recommendation of a SOLDIER First Class pulls a lot of weight with HQ, and especially someone like you...." "Don't worry. I'll see that you don't get saddled with him permanently." "Thanks, major. I really appreciate that." Relaxing a bit, the corporal said wistfully, "Any chance that we could convince him to go AWOL here, sir? It'll be small loss to us and seeing as this is his hometown...." "Not a chance. I don't know if you've noticed, but he hates this place." "That's too damn bad, sir." As he headed back upstairs, Zack thought about what he had read in Cloud's personnel file. He knew that the kid had applied for the SOLDIER program and been rejected, but to be honest, Cloud never stood a chance of qualifying. The plain truth was that Cloud Strife's psyche was simply too fragile. Physically, the kid might have survived, but mentally? No way. The evaluators had summed it up nicely -- 'lacks necessary mental integrity and emotional resilance to successfully undergo conversion'. The SOLDIER process was extremely hard on people. A guy really needed to have his head screwed on straight or risk almost certain insanity. And the kid was already at the breaking point. --------------------------- The heavy rainfall continued through the evening and showed no sign of stopping. Lying on the bed in his darkened room, Zack listened to the water pounding on the slate roof and gurgling in the gutters. (Damn, why I feel so tired?) SOLDIERs certainly weren't immune to exhaustion, but the trip to the reactor and back shouldn't have worn him out so much. In difficulty, it barely qualified as a SOLDIER training hike. Besides, Seph who had done most of the fighting, anyway. (Probably because he was worried about *me*. Hell, maybe both he and the docs were right. Maybe I haven't fully recovered from that run-in with that stupid venomous wyrm....) But staying behind in Midgar hadn't been an option for him. There was no way he would have allowed his best friend to go off on this particular mission alone. Somehow he had *known* that Sephiroth would need him, and the incident in the Mt. Nibel reactor only proved that his instincts had been right. And now Seph was depending on him.... (Whatever it takes, I'm not going to let him down. This is too damn important to him.) Sephiroth's sheer intensity and determination disturbed him in ways that his friend's strength or power never could, but Zack understood all too well why Sephiroth felt so driven to find the truth. Driven? No, make that obsessed. Down in the basement, standing amid all those books and the secrets they held, he had seen the almost desperate hunger in Sephiroth's eyes. (You're looking for some greater purpose for your existence... something that will justify all the pain and loneliness you've endured.... You want proof that you're more than just the result of some fortuitious experiment.) He sighed and turned over on his side to stare out the rain-smeared glass. ('Who am I? Where do I came from? Why am I here?' I know those questions have been eating away at you for years. It hurts you, not knowing. And now that you've got the chance to find some answers, there's no way you can walk away from that, is there, Seph? It's true when they say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Because now you know part of the truth, you have to know all of it. If you don't, you really will go crazy.) Zack blinked as the white light from a nearby lightning flash starkly illuminated the hulking mass of the Shinra Mansion. (You can't return to ignorance, blissful or not. There's no turning back, no use in pretending that it doesn't matter, so I suppose we just have to keep moving forward and deal with the consequences as they come....) He expected the thunderous boom after the flash, but not the ear-piercing scream and the burst of gunfire that immediately followed it. --------------------------- Corporal Pitcairn was out to get him. The guy had to be. Why else would he get stuck with guard duty after all the shit he'd been through today? After all, wasn't he the guy who'd just spent the entire day scrambling up and down those damn mountains? Surely he deserved some rest. But noooo... instead he got assigned the most miserable job possible. He was supposed to be on foot patrol, which meant walking around Nibelheim in the cold, pouring rain for the next four hours. To hell with that. He wasn't going to invite pneumonia and that sort of shit. That was why he ended up spending most of his time lurking in dry tool sheds and under covered porches instead of tromping around in the rain and mud. As long as he appeared for the required check-ins, who would know? (And I just don't get it. Why is the major so jumpy? I mean, these monsters are just basically mutated animals, right? There's no reason why they should come after us, even if the reactor got shut down. They're just dumb, mindless beasts.) He checked his watch. Two more hours to go, and it was time for report in again. With a disgruntled sigh, he shouldered his rifle and set out for the inn. As he approached the familiar old water tower, a brilliant flash of lightning lit up the sky. Cloud flinched. For the briefest instant, night turned into day and he saw... something... standing next to the Shinra truck. The creature was *big*, easily five feet high at the shoulder, and bristled with huge claws and horns. Pale loops of intestines and ickier things dangled from its jaws as it finished ripping out a big bite out of the mangled torso of Private Jones, who had been assigned to radio duty. Cloud nearly threw up when he saw a large wet chunk of something -- could have been a liver? -- land in the mud with a loud 'plop'. Like a strobe lamp, the repeated flashes of lightning overhead allowed him brief glimpses of the gory scene. He stood frozen, clutching his rifle, as the monster tossed its head back and swallowed, its throat muscles rippling as the huge gulp of flesh worked its way down the beast's gullet. When it finished, the monster turned its bulging, glowing yellow eyes toward him. A long forked tongue flicked out, quivering eagerly... then it moved in his direction, with a queer, slithery sort of hop. He let loose with a terrified scream and started firing. --------------------------- Zack lunged off the bed, thankful that he was still fully dressed, and grabbed his sword. Instead of heading for the stairs, he flung open the bay window, and jumped out into the street. Landing in front of the inn's front door, he assessed the situation in a single glance. But even as he moved toward the truck and the snarling monster in front of it, his sensitive nose picked up the unmistakable smell of spilt fuel. (Shit! That monster must have torn open the truck's gas tanks. And those idiots are still shooting!) "HOLD YOUR FIRE!" But the shooting continued unabated as both the townspeople and troopers continued to panic. (God save me from incompetent morons!) "CEASE FIRE, DAMN IT!!!" he bellowed, but it was too late. There was a final burst of machinegun fire, something sparked, and the truck erupted into a huge orange fireball. People howled and dived for cover as a wave of searing heat and steam swept over them. A few smaller explosions followed, probably the spare ammunition stored in the truck, before the conflagration finally subsided to a loud roar as flames licked hungrily over the twisted wreckage of their transport. Unlike the others who slowly picked themselves off the ground, Zack didn't lower his guard for a moment. As they stood around, talking in excited tones about the destroyed truck, he quickly scanned the area. So it was no surprise to him when he saw two more of the large, vicious-looking beasts slither-hopping down a side street directly toward him. With a grim smile, he lifted his sword Blood Scythe and prepared to meet them. A carefully targeted spell turned the wet cobblestones into a sheet of ice. As monsters hit the slick spot, they began to skid out of control, and ended up flailing and scrabbling futilely for traction. The first beast hit the edge of the ice patch and tumbled head-over-heels right into Zack's waiting blade. He pivoted smoothly and let the beast's own momentum do most of the work as he slashed its throat open all the way to the spine. Even before the first beast's body hit the ground, Zack stepped forward to deal with the second monster, who was only beginning to regain its balance. It managed to take a wild swing at him with its clawed forepaw as it scrambled back to its feet, but he dodged it easily and thrust forward with Blood Scythe. The long, reddish crystal sword slid smoothly through the creature's left eye right into its brain. Even as it tossed its head back in pain, Zack kept a firm grip on his sword with one hand. He used his other hand to grab its lower jaw, then twisted sharply. With a sharp popping sound, the monster's neck broke and it collapsed heavily onto the muddy cobblestones. An eerie hush fell on the bystanders as they watched him pull his sword from the creature's eyesocket. "Did you see THAT?" came a hushed whisper. "Just like wringing a chicken's neck, it was," someone else said in awestruck tones. He turned and addressed the crowd sharply. "Are you just going to stand around all night gawking, or are you going to help me search the town?" "You think there's more of them out there?" yelped the fat owner of the general store. "Maybe, maybe not. But we won't know until we check." "B-b-but... won't it be dangerous? I mean, it's dark and what if...." There was a murmur of nervous agreement from the other townspeople. Mr. Lockheart forced his way to the front of the crowd and said angrily, "Why should we have to risk our necks wandering around in the dark looking for these damn creatures? After all, YOU'RE the ones who are supposed to get rid of those monsters, not us!" When the townspeople around him made supportive noises, the mayor added, "And from what I can tell, you've done a piss poor job of it!" With a grim smile, Zack said evenly, "I'm afraid that you're badly mistaken about our mission, Mr. Lockheart. We're not here to play exterminator for you. We were sent here by Shinra to locate and neutralize the source of the monsters." Before the angry mayor could interrupt, Zack added, "Which we've done by shutting down the reactor. Our only other objective is to prevent further damage to the Mt. Nibel reactor. And that's all. Our orders say nothing about protecting Nibelheim or its inhabitants." "So what are you saying?" Mr. Lockheart snarled, his face flushing angrily. "What I'm saying is that I'm under no particular obligation to save your cowardly, lazy hides. If you cooperate, I'll be glad to do what I can to help you, but I'm not going to wear myself out or risk my men to save a bunch of ungrateful whiners who refuse to raise a finger to save themselves. Have I made myself perfectly clear?" "You... you can't talk to me like that!" sputtered the mayor. "Why not?" he retorted with a dangerous smile. "Because... because.... You bloody well better do as we tell you and protect us, otherwise you can just sleep out in the rain and starve!" "Is that a threat, Mr. Lockheart?" he inquired in an ominously even voice. "Because if it is, I'd strongly advise you to reconsider." He didn't have to look, but Zack knew that the troopers were taking up supportive positions to his right and his left, their weapons ready. Mr. Lockheart retreated a step, his face turning pale as he suddenly remembered exactly whom he was addressing. His throat worked spastically as the firelight glinted off the razor sharp, bloodstained broadsword Zack casually propped against his shoulder and the intimidating array of Materia clearly visible along the blade. Finally, the older man said sullenly, "All right. Give your damn orders. But if any of these good townsfolk get hurt, it'll be your fault!" Zack gave Lockheart a cool nod of acknowledgement, then raised his voice to speak to the subdued crowd. --------------------------- Cloud smirked gleefully as he watched Zack confront Tifa's father and cut the older man down to size. Verbally, of course. (Too bad the major didn't cut the bastard down literally. Lockheart fucking well deserves it, after all these years of running Nibelheim like his own private kingdom and treating everyone except his precious princess like dirt!) But now the bastard has finally met someone he couldn't boss around or intimidate. (So how does it feel to be considered totally worthless, old man? How does it feel to know that the major could squash both you and this whole fucking town like a pesky bug? He doesn't give a shit whether you live or die, and I bet that scares the shit out of you, doesn't it? Now you know what I've felt like all these years....) But although he loved the sight of Tifa's father slinking off into the shadows with his tail between his legs, his enjoyment was spoiled by a gnawing sense of resentment. (It's not fair! *I* should be the one making Lockheart back down. ME. Damn it! I should've been the SOLDIER here!!!) As the teams of townsfolk reluctantly set out on their search, Corporal Pitcairn said quietly to the major, "Sir, the radio's gone, so we've got no communication with the outside. We won't be able to contact Rocket Town or Costa del Sol with the handhelds, either. They have almost no range in these mountains. We're cut off, sir." "I know that." Zack turned to Cloud and the other troopers. "All right. Who was the first guy on the scene?" There was a long silence as the guards stared at each other. Finally, someone in the back spoke up and said, "It had to be Strife, sir. He was already shooting up the place when I arrived." "Yeah, and now the truck's nothing more than scrap metal, no thanks to that itchy trigger finger of his!" someone else said angrily. Cloud whirled around and glared at the other men. "Hey, I wasn't the only guy shooting! You were doing the same thing! And what the hell did you expect me to do? Throw rocks at the damn monster?" "Well maybe you should have. That way, you might have actually hit something for a change," Private Witney said in a snide voice. "By the way, how the hell did those things get into the middle of town without anyone noticing?" another trooper demanded. "Yeah." Witney turned and glared at Cloud. "Weren't YOU the one who was supposed to be on perimeter patrol? What were you doing, napping in someone's shed?" Stung by the all too accurate accusation, Cloud yelled, "Now wait a fucking minute! Don't try to pin this all on me! I wasn't the only guy on watch! Where do you get off blaming me...!" "Maybe, but you're the guy who...." --------------------------- As accusations started to fly, Zack said testily, "Cut it out, men. This isn't the time to start pointing fingers. And we have more important things to worry about." Corporal Pitcairn asked calmly, "Like what, sir? You really think that there's going to be more attacks?" "Better to be safe than sorry." The major glanced at the still burning hulk of their transport truck. "But yeah, something tells me that things are only getting started." "But... but why, sir?" someone asked nervously. "If the General's hunting them down, maybe they're coming into town to get away from him." "Could be," Zack replied with a neutral shrug. "The important thing is to stay alert. We've already lost two men and I'm not inclined to lose any more. Got it?" He watched the troopers nod, then added, "One more thing. I know that some of these townsfolk are acting like idiots and assholes, but I don't want any unnecessary confrontations. The last thing we need is a hostile mob breathing down our necks. I can deal with them if I have to, but I'm rather concentrate on more important things like keeping people alive." "Yes, sir!" "Then resume your posts. The rest of you try to get some sleep...." But he was interrupted as a young man charged into the square screamings something about horrible gelatinous blobs. With a weary sigh, Zack wiped off his sword and headed for the source of the distant screams. (Here we go again....) --------------------------- It never seemed to stop. Divebombing carrion birds, slithering worms, not to mention that horde of flesh-eating beetles. Zack sighed wearily. He had been forced to sever a man's lower leg to keep the damn bug from chewing its way deeper into his body. Naturally, the good mayor had thrown a fit at his favorite cousin's misfortune. --------------------------- --------------------------- If this was the way the people of Nibelheim acted, it did a lot to explain why Cloud was such a mess. --------------------------- There was more bad news in the morning. The only road leading out of Nibelheim was totally washed out. --------------------------- --------------------------- "You little prick," a rough voice hissed at him. Cloud snapped out of his semi-doze and stared at the other guard on watch. "You talking to me?" Private Witney snarled, "Who else, asshole?" "What the hell's bugging you?" "How come you came back and Billie didn't?" "Like I know? It's just friggin' bad luck! Not like it's MY fault that Hakshaw took a dive off the mountainside, okay?" Witney pushed his goggles up onto his forehead and glared at him. "So you say." Cloud scowled and snapped, "Why don't you guys just get the fuck off my case!? I had nothing to do with it! Besides, Hakshaw deserved it for all the shit he put me through...!" He yelped as Witney suddenly pounced on him, wrenched his right arm behind his back, and slammed him hard against the nearest wall. Pinning Cloud's head against the rough bricks, the hefty trooper growled, "Oh, that's entirely the WRONG thing to say. I'll have you know that Billie Hakshaw was one of my best buds. As for you... you're just a waste of good air, Clod-boy." "Don't call me that! The name's Strife... ow ow owww!" he yelled as Witney twisted his arm even harder. "I'll call you anything I fuckin' well please!" "Crap, that hurt, you bastard!" he retorted, his voice muffled as Witney mashed his face against the wall. "I told you... it's not my friggin' fault! I was just following orders! Why don't you get mad at Sephiroth or the major!? They're the ones who didn't want to waste time looking for him!" "Don't fucking tell me what to do, Clod-head! If I want to blame you, I bloody well will!" Witney suddenly leaned close and whispered in his ear, "You were in Squad 38, weren't you?" "So what?" he gasped, clenching his teeth to keep from whimpering from the pain in his shoulder. "What's that got to do with your...?" "I've heard stories of those guys... about how the senior members have their own 'special' initiations for new recruits. Tell me, Clod, did they welcome you into the club good and proper?" "I-I don't know... what the hell... you're talking about!" he snarled weakly, but his attempt at defiance was spoiled by a sudden fit of shivers. The feel of Witney's hot, smelly breath blowing down his neck brought back a sickening rush of memories, both old and new. "I bet they did. You've got a pretty good ass. Almost like a girl's...." Witney said with a nasty leering expression as he allowed his hand to rove over Cloud's buttocks. He closed his eyes, fought down the urge to vomit, and choked out, "Get... your filthy paws off me or I'll...." "You'll what? Tell on me? I don't think so. Not unless you want to be known all over Midgar and your hometown as a slut-boy. Besides, with a reputation like yours, who the fuck's going to believe anything you say?" "The major will...." "Now you don't want to go bothering Major Faelan. He's got more important things to worry about than a dumbass nobody like you. For your information, he's probably the only person keeping us from being turned into critter food. You try to go whining to him and you're gonna have a serious 'accident'. No if, ands or buts. Remember, Clod-boy, that you've got no friends here... or anywhere, for that matter. I don't like you. My buddies don't like you. Even your own townfolks don't like you! I've been heard these folks talk about you and how you were such a troublemaker. They were damn glad the first time you left and believe me, they can't wait until you leave again. Do you think that any of them will raise a finger to help you? So you take whatever we choose to dish out and you don't say a fucking thing to anybody. You got it?" "...." For a horrible second, he thought that Witney had actually dislocated his shoulder. "GOT IT?" "....yeah... geez, yes!" Witney turned and sent him sprawling face first into the muddy street. "Don't go causing any trouble for us. And when we get back to Midgar, me and the boys have got some more questions to ask you about Billie's death." The other man cracked his knuckles loudly. ".... yeah," he muttered sullenly, rubbing his aching arm. "What was that?" Witney growled, taking a threatening step toward Cloud. ".... yes... sir." The big trooper sneered at him, then walked away. Cloud sat in the rain and the mud for a long time, shaking with both fear and rage. He wanted to run away, but he was too scared to desert. And where would he go? He wanted to grab his rifle and blow Witney's fucking head off, but he was too scared of the consequences if he got caught. He was both too scared and humilitated to tell anyone about Witney's threats. Besides, who could he talk to? Who would believe him? In the end, he did the only thing he could think of. He slowly got to his feet, picked up his rifle, and resumed his watch post as the cold rain continued to fall. ---------------------------